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PDA South is please to work alongside Donna Nicolaidis. For 25 years Donna has worked as a remedial massage therapist and exercise coach in the United States and Australia having worked with professional, semi professional and collegiate sporting teams on both continents.


Today Donna owns and operates wellness company 'A Healthy Lifestyle'. Donna will be working with PDA South to provide players with useful information to help maximize performance. Click below for more information and to reach out to Donna directly;




If you have to train after a long day at school or work, or are just not sure how to eat around
training and games, the tips below will help get you better results. Some simple planning on your
part will help sustain your energy levels, mental focus and aid in your recovery.


1) Eat a Protein at Breakfast: This is the single BEST thing you can do for yourself EVERY day.
Protein helps regulate blood sugar levels while stimulating chemical messenger’s dopamine &
acetylcholine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that aids in nerve cell communication. Nerves
cells/fibers send the signals to your muscles to work. Organic free-range eggs & bananas,
organic salmon & mackerel, organic, activated almonds & walnuts are a few good sources for
dopamine production. Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that is released by nerve cells to
stimulate skeletal muscle contractions, low levels of this neurotransmitter is also associated with
poor cognitive function. Organic free-range eggs are a good source for acetylcholine production.


2) DON’T train/play on an empty stomach: Eat a ‘solid’ (NOT shake/smoothie) high protein,
slow digesting meal that is unique to your metabolic type at least 45 mins prior to training, 1 hour
is optimal. The meal should consist of slightly more protein than normal for you, a low GI
carbohydrate and an omega 3 fat. Studies have shown;

• ‘carb loading’ prior to an event does very little to enhance performance. Carb loading
causes blood sugar spikes, the body then burns through those calories VERY quick
leading to a crash in energy potentially affecting your work capacity. Stick to fresh fruit
and veg like apples, pears, spinach, carrot, beetroot & broccoli in lieu of breads, pasta
and rice for pre training meal.
• Pre training meals that are high in saturated fats hinder blood vessel dilation for up to 4
hrs. Blood delivers oxygen to the body, as your need for oxygen increases your blood
vessels have to dilate to meet the demand, saturated fats prior to training will not allow
optimal dilation. Good Omega 3 fats in the form of wild caught, organic salmon, sardines,
mackerel and walnuts & almonds are better options for pre training meal and as you can
see from #1 your breakfast as well.

3) Get A Post Training/Game Shake: Prepare and pack a shake/smoothie unique to your
metabolic type to ingest right after training/game while your heart rate and metabolic rate are still
high (within 15 mins). The body is best able to absorb the nutrients you need. Include an extra
carbohydrate in the form of a banana or homemade sweet potato chips with your shake.


4) Don’t Skip Your Post Training/Game Meal: When you return home eat a small meal unique to
your metabolic type consisting of a protein with tryptophan, which increases serotonin levels to
calm you and ready you for sleep and your recovery; examples include white meats such as
chicken breast & turkey along with white fish and beans. Include antioxidant rich carbohydrates
in the form of fruit & veg, which will combat inflammation from training/game. Some fruit and veg
to include in your post training/game meal are tomatoes, grapes & cherries, along with their
antioxidants they are high in melatonin that will help synchronize & regulate your circadian

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